JCAC's Blog, Serving the Community


Family Check-in

Family Check-Ins


Family Check-ins should not be hard! Check-ins are great tools to use when you have kids that are old enough to express how they are feeling. Check-ins also allow parents to continue fostering bonds with their children.

Try out some of these techniques to check in with your family on a Friday!

1) family group chat

2) family game night

3) family pizza night

4) family craft night

5) our moment's card game


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Johns Creek and Alpharetta Counseling (#JCAC) is a warm and family orientated counseling practice in Alpharetta, Ga. We offer online cou...


How To Find A Therapist

How To Find A Therapist

By: Chloe Gabrielle Harper, Clinical Intern at JCAC


A question that is pretty common is “How Do I Find A Therapist?”. You are sitting in your bed and you realize that it is time to make a change, so you talk to your friend and he or she tells you maybe you need a therapist. You do a wild google search and words come up like “mental health counselor”, “clinical counselor”, “mental health technician”, “telehealth mental professional”, “psychiatrist”, and “psychologist”, and the list continues! You have asked you, friends, you have gone through 8 pages of google sites, and side links; a...


Having an Eating Disorder during COVID-19

Eating Disorder Recovery During COVID-19

During times of stress, everything gets harder. This is especially true for someone struggling with disordered eating. When we are stressed, symptoms increase and can feel harder to manage. The “new normal’ we are living in can affect your recovery from disordered eating. Here are helpful things to remember as you navigate this new experience and your recovery while in quarantine.

1)It's hard... but remember feeling emotion won’t kill you! Remember, it’s okay to feel the difficult emotions coming up for you. Feeling doesn’t mean we succumb to our emotions, but we are empowered to control them.

2) Expectations breed resentme...


Orthorexia, A New Kind of Eating Disorder


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Orthorexia, have you heard of this potential eating disorder? It's known for obsessive thoughts about healthy ingredients, extreme clean eating, and excessive exercise to lose weight. The risks: nutritional deficiencies and not letting your body rest from exercise.The linked article explores a woman's journey in figuring out she has orthorexia and the steps she takes to better herself. Instead of trying to control your food intake, practice meditation and controling your mind. If you're struggling with similar issues, don't try to go it alone. Reach out for professional help.
