JCAC's Blog, Serving the Community


Anxiety Series Catch up

Anxiety Series Catch Up


The next episode in the anxiety series will be posted today! We hope that you guys enjoy this video created by our clinical director Erica Gregory, as much as we did putting it together.

In this video, Erica demystifies the elusive anxiety and how to turn it off! Anxiety, is a common struggle during the holidays, big events, life events, and life in general. It is normal to experience some anxiety, but wanting to turn it off is also normal too! With these three secrets that Erica goes over, we hope that it makes life just a little bit easier!

For more resources to help with anxiety check out some of these books!

For helping explain anxiety to your child



A step by step guide for parents


Anxiety and teenagers






Our Resources:

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Our Latest Video:

How to Cope With Not Seeing Family Over the Holidays: A Counselors Guide to Loneliness and Grief

In this video, Erica processes how many are feeling lonely and grieving the loss of their family traditions, and time with family this holiday season. If you...


1) Anxiety Explained: https://youtu.be/qpYjuwqYpo4

2) PTSD & Anxiety: https://youtu.be/4glwXQNbODs

3) GREIF & Anxiety: https://youtu.be/ZADb3WFLtAY

4) GRATITUDE & Anxiety: https://youtu.be/8Pa8cDgz_Zs

5) Managing FINANCIAL Anxiety: https://youtu.be/J37Ni4t4DoQ

6) ANXIETY in CHILDREN: https://youtu.be/UenQw2pciuo

7) 6 Must-Know Holiday Stress Solutions: How to Enjoy The Holidays This Year: https://youtu.be/p6ZwJaHCR_0

8) 3 Secrets To Turning Off Anxiety: https://youtu.be/slKkRhmXyD4

Johns Creek and Alpharetta Counseling (#JCAC) is a warm and family orientated counseling practice in Alpharetta, Ga. We offer online counseling services in the states of Georgia and Florida. We offer in-office counseling service at our Alpharetta office which is conveniently located to serve Johns Creek, Milton, Roswell, and Cumming, Ga. The JCAC Counselors specialize in counseling services throughout the lifespan! We offer play therapy, counseling for children, parental support, adolescent counseling, mental health services, couples counseling, premarital therapy, and individual counseling for adults.

#Anxiety #Stress #Holidays #Family #TheMostWonderfulTimeOfTheYear #TheMostAnxietyProvokingTimeOfTheYear #HomeForTheHolidays #HolidayGathering #HolidayStress #FamilyAnxiety #IDoNotWantToSeeMyFamily #WhyIsMyFamilySoDifficult #WhyDoIHateGoingHome #GoingHomeIsHard #ManageAnxiety #ToolsToManageAnxiety #CopingWithFamily #FamilyCanBeComplicated #ILoveMyFamilyBut #HolidayTraditions #HolidayExpectations #Boundaries #PoorBoundaries #SetBoundaries #YouCannotMakeEveryoneHappy #RelyOnYourPartner #MakeAGamePlan #EmotionalGuiltTrip #Politics #PoliticallyChargedConversations #PoliticallyDividedFamily #OpposongViewpoints #DoNotDiscussPolitics #KeepThePeace #AssignedSeats #Distractions #ChangeTheSubject #FindCommonGround #Disrespect #DisrespectfulFamily #MyFamilyTreatsMeLikeAChild #UnwantedAdvice #CalmYourHeart #TellYourFamilyYourFeelings #HurtFeelings #MyFamilyHurtsMyFeelings #HaveBackup #TakeSupport #KnowYourWorth #IDoNotGetAlongWithMyFamily #MyFamiyDoesNotSupportMe #OneUpper #Narcissist #EmotionallyExhausted #MyFamilyIsEmotionallyExhausting #AvoidFamilyMembers #DoNotFightBack #ExcuseYourself #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #DifficultPersonalities #TalkBehindYourBack #PassiveAggressiveStatements #PushBoundaries #EmotionallyDrained #WalkingOnEggshells #TakeAWalk #GetOutOfTheHouse #SocialAnxiety #Introvert #FullHouse #TooManyPeople #FamilyPressure #FamilyExpectations #SocialPressure #Overwhelming #TakeBreaks #ListenToYourBody #FindAQuieterArea #BreathingExercises #Trauma #HometownTrauma #ChildhoodHome #FeelingsOfDread #IDreadGoingHome #Triggers #TraumaTriggers #KnowYourTriggers #NavigateTriggers #MakeAPlanToHandleTriggers #Traumatized #FamilyTrauma #AnxietyReducingTechniques #TakeCareOfYourself #Decompress #JCAC #JCACounseling #Anxiety #Depression #Couples #Adolescents #PlayTherapy #Premarital #MentalHealth #Parenting #ChildCounseling #EDMR #PTSD #TraumaSpecialist #SocialSkillsGroups #Alpharetta #JohnsCreek #AlpharettaCounseling #JohnsCreekCounseling #Counseling #CounselingInGeorgia #CounselingInFlorida #CounselingInJohnsCreek #CounselingInAlpharetta #Online #OnlineCounseling #Virtual #VirtualCounseling #VirtualCounselingInGA #VirtualCounselingInFL #FindingACounselorOnline #JCACounselingAndAnxiety #CounselingForAnxiety #CounselorsForAnxiety #IsAnxietyCounselingOnline #AlpharettaCounselingForAnxiety #JohnsCreekCounselingForAnxiety #CounselingInGeorgiaForAnxiety #CounselingInFloridaForAnxiety