JCAC's Blog, Serving the Community


Intimacy & COVID

Intimacy & COVID


Relationships are complicated, and they are even more complicated when we throw a pandemic into the mix. The pandemic restructured the way we go on dates, how we communicate, and how we do life in general.

Overall, in the United States, there are 14 million people in long-distance relationships, and even more that cohabitate together. Adding on to these numbers, are married couples!

The main problem that most of these couples report is intimacy, even the couples that live together. Because of COVID, the long-distance couples struggle with physical intimacy, and the couples that live together struggle with creating time for intimacy. Some may ask, "how is it possible to have no time to be intimate with your partner during a pandemic?" The question seems like it would have an easy answer, but it does not.

Trouble With Intimacy at Home:

1. An unbalanced at the homework schedule

2. Sticking to old ways of interacting Pre-COVID

3. Not checking in with each other

4. Depression

5. Distance

6. Trouble with coming up with creative ways of seeing each other ( Long-distance couples)

7. Trouble with communication

Reading the possible causes of lack of intimacy, probably has you wondering how can you solve it?



John Hopkins had published an article on their site, that lists 6 items for increasing intimacy!

1. Identify your needs

2. Make an effort

3. Schedule a date night

4.Feel Sexy

5. Take charge

6. Redefine intimacy


The Gottman Institute has also published an article that deals with structuring the way you and your partner communicate, and many more tips and tricks to try.

Feel free to contact us, if you need any more help! We have plenty of couple therapists on stand bye!


To schedule an appointment: https://calendly.com/JCACounseling

To view our website: https://www.alpharettajohnscreekcounseling.com/our-counseling-practice

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Johns Creek and Alpharetta Counseling (#JCAC) is a warm and family orientated counseling practice in Alpharetta, Ga. We offer online counseling services in the states of Georgia and Florida. We offer in-office counseling service at our Alpharetta office which is conveniently located to serve Johns Creek, Milton, Roswell, and Cumming, Ga.

The JCAC Counselors specialize in counseling services throughout the lifespan! We offer play therapy, counseling for children, parental support, adolescent counseling, mental health services, couples counseling, premarital therapy, and individual counseling for adults.

To learn more about our practice, click here!

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