Fighting for Fertility, A Unifying Women's Group
By Parisa Poorak, APC, Counselor with JCAC
Thousands of women across the US are trying to get pregnant, almost 13% of women seek services for fertility. Many women dream of the joy of parenthood and feel lost when month after month they are not pregnant. Anger, sadness, and embarrassment are only a few emotions these women experience. JCAC is excited to announce that we are starting a unifying group for women to come together, support each other, and learn skills to face tomorrow.
JCAC is excited to offer support, we are starting an infertility group called “Fight for Fertility." Our inferility support group will be led by Parisa Poorak, Licensed Counselor with Johns Creek and Alpharetta Counseling. The group will start online, and transition to in-person as member feel it is safe to do so. It is suprising how comforting it can be to know.... "I am not alone."
In This Group We Will:
**Hold deep conversations around the emotions that come with attempting to become pregnant and what comes after
**Share individual stories and struggles that circle fertility
**Create connections for women to feel not alone in their process
**Have an open dialog about what life is like without children
**Create a safe and comforting atmosphere for women of all ages to share their stories
Click here to schedule a time to talk with a Parisa to get started
Click here to learn more about Parisa
Click here to learn more about JCAC
Click here to learn more about RESOLVE, the National Infertility Association

Johns Creek and Alpharetta Counseling (#JCAC) is a warm and family orientated counseling practice in Alpharetta, Ga. We offer online counseling services in the states of Georgia and Florida. We offer in-office counseling service at our Alpharetta office which is conveniently located to serve Johns Creek, Milton, Roswell, and Cumming, Ga.
The JCAC Counselors specialize in counseling services throughout the lifespan! We offer play therapy, counseling for children, parental support, adolescent counseling, mental health services, couples counseling, premarital therapy, and individual counseling for adults.
To learn more about our practice, click here!
#JCAC #Anxiety #Depression #Couples #Adolescents #PlayTherapy #Premarital #MentalHealth #Counseling #OnlineCounseling #Alpharetta #JohnsCreek #EDMR #Social-Skills-Groups #Parenting #Digital Learning Pods #Marriage Counseling #Couples Therapy #Engaged #Fertility #Motherhood #Fertility Treatments #Fertility Support #Getting Pregnant #Infertility Support Group #Infertility Counseling #RESOLVE